Skål Kenya November Newsletter (test)

TEst TEst Test

Test Newsletter/ Blog for Skal Kenya

Skål Kenya - Testing Blog Feature

Here you will create your newsletters and correspondence to members. By clicking on the area above, you can change the background image and filters and add a title/ subtitle to your header (note you cannot change the text font/ size in the header but you can in this area)

You have 4 ways of creating a new newsletter/ blog:

~ You can either write them here and use the building blocks from the left menu (as this is "Text - Image"), and the top editing menu for formatting, adding photos, links, etc., as you would on any other page.

~ You can also copy and paste the format you use now (some formatting may be needed).

~ You can use MailChimp or other newsletter platform and simply add the link to the button below or link a word in your opening text.

~ You can create this blog through the backend from your dashboard which has all the editing features except for the building blocks and some other editing limitations. See image below.

 Note: The social media links will be updated before we publish your new website and I believe we can add your Instagram and YouTube, too.